The NVvL was founded on 26 April 1941 in Amsterdam, initially under the name 'Club for Scientific Aeronautical Engineering' and after which the name was changed to 'Group for Aeronautical Engineering'. At the time, this 'group' came under the 'Vakafdeeling Luchtvaarttechniek' of the Royal Dutch Aviation Association (KNVvL).
In 1950 it was decided to change the name of the 'group' to the Netherlands Association of Aeronautical Engineers. Since 1952, the NVvL has been affiliated with the KNVvL through the Aviation Sciences Department.
The NVvL offers a platform for all those who are interested in aviation technology because of their profession or interest. The association deals with all elements of research, science and technology and has among its members specialists from all sectors of aviation: government, industry and educational and research institutions. It acts as a link and communicator between the individual disciplines and promotes the exchange of knowledge between industry, knowledge institutes and educational institutions at both national and international level.
In addition, the NVvL contributes to the formation of a network of people who are active in the field of aviation technology in the broadest sense of the word.
Welcome to the Netherlands Association of Aeronautical Engineers
What else does the NVvL do?
The NVvL facilitates knowledge networks. In the recent past these were the following networks: ‘Cabin Interiors’, ‘Avionics’, ‘Flight testing’, ‘Propulsion’, ‘Production’ and ‘Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)’.
In addition, the NVvL annually awarded study prizes for lectures. At the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the NVvL in 2016, the board decided to link the name of Hans Wittenberg to the prize.
International contacts
Since 1957, the NVvL has been a member of the worldwide organization International Council of Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) and since 1994 of the European Council of European Aeronautical Societies (CEAS). NVvL members can use this to expand their networks and benefit from discounts on the admission prices of international conferences and symposia
For more information about the 50-year history of ICAS (described in 2008), see
For more information about CEAS see: CEAS in Brief presentation NVvL (2022)
Photograph made of the conference attendees of the 5th CEAS Air & Space Conference in the Aula of the Technical University in Delft, from 7-11 September 2015
Contributions to other international activities
The NVvL cooperates in the organization of international symposia of:
- SFTE – Society of Flight Test Engineers
- ERF – European Rotorcraft Forum
- AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference